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Cheng Cheng

Left image: Marching Cheng Cheng.
These thick, brass, hand-held (one in each hand) cymbals are loud and usually played in processions with the “kendang” (lead drum). There are usually many cheng chengs, each playing an intricate, interlocking rhythmic pattern. Together, they weave a rhythmic raucous of excitement. The kendang acts as the lead, and signals the cheng cheng players to increase or decrease their intensity as they process. Pictured below, are the smaller, stationairy “cheng cheng”, which are played by one musician in the “gong- keybar” (large Gamelan ensemble).

Left image: Stationary Cheng Cheng


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The WORLD BEATS video features live, costumed performances of ancient, ethnic, percussive traditions. Aaron Plunkett puts it all together in this fascinating 33 minute program. SEE MORE...

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